Patrick Dinneen

Patrick Dinneen

So Many Filters is an investigation of the use of filters in mobile social photography such as Instagram, Flickr and Hipstamatic. These applications and networks encourage users to apply filters to their photographs (which simulate the aesthetic of old physical photographs) in order to create a kind of instant nostalgia. The filters simulate the physical forces and temporal decay that digital photographs are otherwise never subject to, such as fading and scratches. In these images I have applied and re-applied so many filters to each image that the aesthetic and form of the filters has become the dominant subject and the initial subject is almost lost.

Images, Materials and Sizes
All images are 50cm x 50cm, pigment prints, 2013 with the exception of So Many Filters (Portrait 4) and So Many Filters (Plant) which are 65cm x 65cm, pigment prints, 2013.

Patrick Dinneen is a photographer based in Johannesburg. Since 2011 he has participated in various group exhibitions in Johannesburg, Pretoria and New York.